Monday, September 1, 2008

The After-math of the de-civilization...

Imagine a world where...

Walls would be a foreign word to all languages.
Love will be fluent among all.
No longer would there be separation through nations, but instead harmony with various cultures, in various places.
Third-word would only be something out of a science-fiction movie that you and I will see together munching on popcorn.
Women will walk alone in dark alley-ways with fear being absolutely absent, and when men see a woman they will look at a human being with desires, joys, angers, loves, ideas, unreadable imaginations, and beauty; not an object.
Workers will love what they do, and do what they love, while they are in control of what they create.
Old billboards used for political ad campaigns, soda, and the latest reality show are now covered with loving hearts, beautiful poems of words and pictures by anonymous poets, and silly cartoons.
Flags from across the world are brought down to be made into clothes for the naked and blankets for the cold.
Football fields are filled with an uncountable amount of people for a free potluck feast, provided by the cops who go dumpster diving for doing part in serving the needy, instead of locking them up.
Mega-Churches across the world become centers for communal living for the homeless, because they finally got to the part of that humble and homeless Rabbi who loved so much that He died.
That we will no longer be told where and where not to go, where we can and can't swim, where we are and aren't allowed to hike or camp, and where we are and aren't able to roam freely.
That we will care less about being loved ourselves, but care more about loving others.
Where we will give thanks to the creatures that live near us, in our midst, and realize, too, that just because they don't wear crosses or stars around their necks doesn't mean that they aren't filled with spirituality.
That we will treat nature as a necessity, not as a resource.
Where confidence replaces doubt, encouragement replaces put-downs and insults, and where humility replaces pride.
Where death is something out of a distant, far-off, fairy-tale novel.


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